Productivity, Quality and Security for your CI/CD pipeline

MAIA is a software tool designed to cooperate with the tools you already use.


People involved in the software creation process need to understand the overall status of the development pipelines to make intelligent decisions. Smart visualization is critical to achieving speed, quality, and security.

MAIA Software integrates and communicates with your tools to accomplish an end-to-end view with all the details at your fingertips.

Cross-tool traceability

In modern software development, there are constant changes to multiple parts of a product at the same time. Concurrent product lines, evolving features, building, testing, and deploying. Inclusion of open source software from multiple sources and of different versions. Iteration after iteration.

How do you trace multiple elements of one product when various stakeholders and systems are constantly updating all these parts?

Add MAIA to your existing software pipeline to implement cross-tool traceability and the necessary “one source of truth” so that everyone has a common view of the value stream.

Connect MAIA to your software development pipelines to get traceability for everything.

Issue trackers

Connect to your issue tracking tools used for planning, feature breakdown, bug reporting, etc.

Version control

Track changes from multiple version control systems and repositories.

Build services

Transfer data from your build automation tools about build processes, included components, license information, and more.

Automated test

Distribute information about test suites, test cases, and results from tests at all levels: acceptance, system, integration, security, and unit tests.


MAIA Software is automating security-oriented activities and is using its abilities regarding software composition and dependencies to maintain license and vulnerability information for each build.

Security and Compliance

Through integrations with external information sources, MAIA can provide continuous vulnerability control for your included software and all builds. It detects published exploits and enables prioritization of weaknesses. Open-source software and projects are monitored, and licenses can be managed.

Detect vulnerabilities

MAIA automatically detects vulnerabilities (CVEs) in software components/versions used in current and past builds. Discovered CVEs are presented with their identity and CVSS score for all affected builds and deliveries.

Discover exploits

MAIA analyses each vulnerability regarding existence of exploits, i.e. programs or code that are designed to leverage a software weakness and cause unintended effects.

Maintain health

MAIA is continuously monitoring the status of the open-source software you are using. Health is defined as: is there an update available or archived, is the project up and running, or is it archived, abandoned, etc.

Prioritize weaknesses

Vulnerabilities have a weakness type (CWE) classification. Over time the weakness type will be of shifting interest regarding exploitation. In MAIA, you can prioritize remediation for weakness type.

Decide on remediation

Analyze, prioritize, and make decisions on remediation for each vulnerability for unique environments, and more.

Manage licenses

Analyze and enforce license policies for each software component throughout the development lifecycle.

End-to-end view

MAIA is collecting data from the existing tools network and presents, through aggregation and an internal common data model, important feedback to the various DevOps stakeholders.

Test Automation

Test automation with MAIA, focusing on test status and result progress, reporting, and analytics.

  • Easily track the status of individual tests.
  • Measure progress with informative dashboards and activity reports
  • Compare results across multiple test runs, configurations, and milestones

Test results in real-time

Transfer your test data through the streaming platform and get live progress and results.

Unified reporting

Send standardized test verdicts to get unified visualization and reporting.

Visualize for commitment

Visualize to create commitment and a sense of responsibility, resulting in high quality.

Remediate bugs faster

Get instant failure reports and find out what went wrong using integrated analysis tools.

Insights from history

Get insights by comparing your latest tests with stored data from multiple test runs from the past.

Identify regression

Perform a diff on any two test run results to make it possible to identify fixes, new failures, and continuing failures.

Find recurring failures

Identify ``flaky`` test results to find troublesome underlying issues regarding environment, communications, etc.

Performance impact

Measure timing for the same test case over multiple test runs to understand code changes' performance impact.

How to know everything about the software that you are releasing

MAIA is creating a comprehensive report for each software build. The report offers both summarized high-level information and a lot of low-level details for all stakeholders. Read more about the build report content.