Software Bill-of-Materials.

Software bill-of-materials. Developing and managing modern software is an increasingly complex task involving a multitude of tools, services, and dynamic supply chains. Lack of overall visibility into the composition of the software contributes to increased cybersecurity risks and costs for development and maintenance. Transparency into the software composition and the SBOM (software bill-of-materials) is one…

Is this software ready for release?

Is this software ready for release? It’s hard, if not impossible, to answer that question without taking control of all the moving parts running when each release is assembled. Defining criteria for each release and presenting data on critical characteristics can help you make rational decisions about the software launch. But, how do you make…

GLIMSE and Eiffel

Definitions GLIMSE – Generic Language for Interacting Micro SErvices – a protocol specification for value stream integration. Eiffel – is a framework for continuous integration and delivery. Part of the framework is a well defined communication protocol containing a vocabulary and syntax of events. Eiffel is an open source project published on GitHub under the…

The GLIMSE Protocol

Meaning GLIMSE – Generic Language for Interacting Micro SErvices – a protocol specification for value stream integration. Background MAIA is a software tool designed to support continuous delivery and DevOps practices, enhancing flow, feedback, and control, by cooperating with other existing tools. One method of cooperation is by using event messaging features. Event messaging combined…

Self Assessment, Value Stream Management.

Background Software is transforming businesses and the way they operate. The ability to deliver high-quality software and innovation is of crucial importance. But organizations, also the ones that reside on the front line of modern development practices and tooling, lack essential characteristics in their development pipelines. It’s about collecting metrics and visualize the pipeline end-to-end,…